I recently researched testimonies of those who have died, experienced Hell, and came back to life. I was amazed to find that of the serveral testimonies I read or listened to, they all resulted in salvation.
In short, some died, experienced Hell, came back to life and began seeking to understand what happened to them and shortly came to have faith in Christ. Others died, experienced Hell, and while in Hell cried out to God who saved them, revealed to them His love and even heaven, and then sent them back to earthly life. These people rose from death, born again and forever changed; some even became pastors or evangelists.
As I’ve wrestled to understand these testimonies through the lense of my understanding (or misunderstanding) of scripture, I’ve come to believe that when these people died not knowing Christ, they came into the full reality of this “present evil age” as Paul calls it in Gal.1:4. In this “present evil age” humanity is oppressed by Satan, consumed by evil from within and without – the present reality of Hell.
Our current physical nature shields us from, darkens our perception of, the reality of the spiritual realm, whether that be the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of light. But when a person physically dies, they come into the full reality of which ever kingdom they are citizens of. It is from this “present evil age” that Jesus saves us. When Jesus saves us, He translates us from this “domain of darkness” into His kingdom of light for he “purchased our freedom and forgave us our sins” (Col.1:11-14).
Why would it then seem so strange to us that He can and does do this delivering not only while people are physically alive, but when people are physically dead and experiencing the full reality of the “domain of darkness”, this “present evil age” (Hell)?
Jonah’s testimony is like the above. He was in rebellion against God, died, was in afflication in Sheol, the realm of the dead, cried out to God who saved him and even restored him to life, giving him another chance to fulfill his calling. And of course, Peter speaks of Jesus preaching the Gospel to those who were physically dead, “spirits in prison”. And of course, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, resulting in them living with God in the Spirit (1 Pet.4.6 NLT).
Of course, scripture is primarily about living in this physical realm, calling us all to faith and repentance in this life; so that in this life we can participate in the kingdom of light. Whether God chooses to deliver us while we’re physically alive or when we’re physically dead, that’s His decision. I’m just thankful that salvation is based on the grace of God, not on our goodness or rightness in any way.
So, is the justice of this “present evil age” (Hell) retributive or restorative? It’s both. It’s what all humanity deserves because of the sin of Adam and because of our sins. But it is also a means of teaching us just how evil, evil is. So that when we are delivered into the kingdom of light we can know just how good, good is. And even the gates of hades (this present evil age) shall not prevail against the church! Adam and Eve did choose to partake of the knowledge of good and evil. They just had no idea how evil, evil is; but we sure understand it now!
I realize that this is a different way of looking at things, but I’ve always had a tendency to see things from an other than normal perspective.