I read a post today by a well-meaning brother who was bemoaning the fact that holiness is little spoken of in churches today. After noting that when he speaks on holiness, most people respond with the scripture that says we all sin, and he said, “So I guess holiness is out and sin is in huh?”
I simply could not agree this brother’s assessment of the state of the church. Rather, I believe that the church has often misrepresented the love and grace of God. And traditionally the church has especially misrepresented "holiness" as merely the absence of sin, instead of its primary meaning of "dedication and consecration". Sadly, instead of preaching the Good News of the forgiveness and love of Christ which draws people to the Lord who cleanses us from all sin, many churches focus on trying to motivate people through guilt and condemnation, preaching bad news instead of Good News.
It's the goodness of God that draws us to repentance. Jesus said that He didn't come to the world to condemn the world but to save it. Salvation and Christian Living is “grace based” - not “condemnation based”.
Because of the church's misrepresentation of "holiness", many believers feel condemnation instead of salvation and thus negatively react when people speak of "holiness"! If holiness was taught from a grace-based perspective, people would be drawn to the Lord and His salvation instead of repulsed by condemnation!
The most "holy" people I know are the ones who simply and practically love God and love others. They have tremendous grace and mercy towards other people and rarely, if ever, speak condescendingly of others. In loving people, they tend to highlight the good and cover any negatives. Doesn’t scripture say something about love covering sin!
If we're filled with the love of God, then we're drawn to Him like moths to a flame. And our love for God purges us from sin, and we die to self and are filled with resurrection life! Who loves the most? The one who's been forgiven the most! Those who are dedicated to the Lord grow in the freedom of the Lord from sin – sanctification and holiness. It’s love that fulfills the law!
Holiness is NOT about sin, but about forgiveness! I am holy, wholly consecrated to the Lord because I have been wholly forgiven!
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