Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Internationally Respected vs. Rednecks Gone Good

Last night I watched a recorded Nightline Debate “Does Satan Exist?” New Age guru Deepak Chopra and Bishop Carlton Pearson, a former Fundamentalist Pentecostal preacher who came from four generations of “demon-caster-outers,” represented the “Devil Does Not Exist” side. Mark Driscoll, a “hip yet hard-line preacher”, and Annie Lobert, a former prostitute and founder of “Hookers for Jesus” a ministry in Las Vegas, represented the “Devil Exists” side. Harris of Nightline moderated the debate.

It was an interesting program though only choice segments were aired. However, what stuck out to me above everything else was the apparent disparity in the respectability of the participants.

Both Chopra and Pearson have post-graduate degrees, but Driscoll and Lobert did not present any accademic credentials. Chopra and Pearson wore sharp expensive contemporary suits, and Pearson wore his clerical collar, whereas Driscoll and Lobert dressed casual. Driscoll wore tennis shoes, slacks, and a polo-type shirt with some design on the front. And Lobert wore jeans, a blouse, and knee-high black boots with a purple heart on them. Chopra and Pearson are both international in their scope and respected by untold thousands of people; whereas Driscoll and Lobert are both relatively little known, in fact I had never heard of either of them.

Another subtle and yet important aspect of disparity between the two groups was their collective ages and thus perceived amount of wisdom. Chopra and Pearson are both likely in their late 50’s, early 60’s, whereas Driscoll and Lobert are likely both in their late 30’s, early 40’s. Age = wisdom is an underlying assumption of most cultures including the American culture even though we value youth.

Thus in wisdom/age, education, appearance, and reputation, the No-Devil side was clearly favored. The deck was stacked against the “Devil Exists” side. ABC would have been much more “fair” if they had chosen two of the many Christian ministers that are elder statesmen, educated, dress appropriately, and are internationally known and respected. The ABC Dateline Debate, “Does Satan Exist” could have been subtitled, “Internationally Educated and Respected vs. American Rednecks Gone Good!


  1. Great stuff...I'll watch the video. The last line is a telling statement. Blessings.

    Have you checked out

  2. So...does the devil actually exist?

    I can see you somewhere in the middle of those two genre's Sherman. You know what they say, " can take a boy out of the country...but you can't take the country out of a boy."

    Signed: NZ Redneck gone good (Mike)

    Love ya buddy
